🛰️Wifi Utilities

FStick comes equipped with Wifi Utilities to explore and interact with Wi-Fi networks. These features allow you to perform various actions related to Wi-Fi connectivity.

  • ❄️ > Passive wi-fi utilites

  • 🎯 > Active wi-fi utilites

❄️ Scan Access Points

Use this feature to scan and list available Wi-Fi access points. This can be helpful for identifying networks and their signal strengths.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Scan AP

❄️ Spam Access Points

Spam Access Points feature that allows FStick to flood the area with Wi-Fi access points.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Spam AP

❄️ Clone Access Points

Clone Access Points enables FStick to replicate the names of existing Wi-Fi access points. This can be used to prank and annoy as it will make hard to find an origin ap.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Clone AP

❄️ Rogue Access Points

Create Rogue Access Points to clone legitimate networks around. This feature can be utilized for security testing and analyzing how devices react to unexpected network configurations.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Rogue AP

🎯 Probe Request Spam

Probe Request Spam floods with probe requests, which devices use to discover available Wi-Fi networks. This can be used for stress testing of devices to excessive probe requests.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Probe AP

🎯 Deauth Attack

Perform a Deauth Attack to disconnect devices from Wi-Fi networks. This can be a powerful tool for testing network security and understanding how devices handle sudden disconnections.

FStick -> WiFi Mng -> Deauth

Note: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to perform these actions, and use these features responsibly and ethically.

Feel free to experiment with these Wifi Utilities features and provide feedback or contribute to their improvement!