๐Ÿ”›How To Use

This package its very simple to use and you only need to have node.js and npm installed.

Follow step by step the instructions in the next step!


const { Webhook } = require('../index'); // Here you would use require('dis-logs') instead
const { image } = require('./image');

async function main() {
    if (process.argv.length < 3) {
        throw new Error("Please provide a webhook URL as an argument.");

    const log = new Webhook(process.argv[2]);

	 * @description set the name of the webhook
    log.set_name("Test For The Documentation");

	 * @description set the avatar of the webhook
	 * @see https://onlinejpgtools.com/convert-jpg-to-base64 to convert your image to base64

	// Wait for the avatar to be set and avoid rate limits
	await sleep(3000);

	 * @description locally log to the console
    log.console("This log only will be printed in the Terminal!");

	 * @description log a success type log to discord
    log.success("This will be sent with a green success color");
    await sleep(1000);

	 * @description log a warning type log to discord
    log.warn("This will be sent with a yellow warn color");
    await sleep(1000);

	 * @description log a error type log to discord
    log.error("This will be sent with a red error color");
    await sleep(1000);
	 * @description log to discord
    log.send("This will be sent without any color");
    await sleep(1000);

function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

main().catch(error => console.error(error));

Last updated